Te Hua Tuatahi a Kuwi

Te Hua Tuatahi a Kuwi

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He kiwi ihupuku, he kiwi rangirua hoki a kuwi. Kua whānau mai tana hua hou hei tiaki māna, i tana kotahi.  Kāore anō ia kia tiaki hua...

He paki ngahau, he paki whakaatoha tēnei mā te kōhungahunga.

Nā Kat Merewether i tuhi Nā Pānia Papa i whakamāori

English Language Edition available ; Kuwi's First Egg

Find out how Kuwi the Kiwi looks after her newly laid egg. She knits a scarf, sings a waiata and takes it out to play but Egg doesn't seem too impressed. When the egg begins to crack Kuwi thinks she has not done a very good job - what can she do?

Read this delightful imaginary story about a clueless kiwi looking after her egg.

Children paperback picture book

Written & illustrated by Kat Merewether, Translated by Pania Papa

36 pages

H: 240mm W: 240mm Spine: 4mm